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          Y acaba el espectáculo, y la gente aplaude, y cae confeti, y ellos sonríen y vuelven a cambiarse. De la misma y solemne manera. Se quitan tacones y narices falsas y se ponen abrigos largos y bufandas. Se disfrazan esta vez de gente gris y ordinaria, y se entremezclan con el resto de nosotros, en el metro, en el supermercado, en el cine.

malabarismos, portrait, painting, Elvira Martos, colour, circus

             And so, the show comes to an end. The people start clapping, the confetti falls, everyone smiles, and once again the acrobats  begin getting changed. Always in the same solemn way as before the show. They take off their high heels and fake noses, and put on their long coats and scarves. This time they’re swapping up their outfits to become grey and ordinary-looking people, and they will dissolve amongst the rest of us; in the metro, at the supermarket, at the cinema.

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